• Brian Rubach - Master Chemist, Pharmagenx President & Founder

    by Brian Rubach
    on January 10, 2014
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     My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about my goal of creating the highest quality and most effective supplements on the market. My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I accomplished my goal by learning everything I could about how the body performs and how supplements can enhance that performance. I’ve realized my dream. I love what I’ve built and I want you to be a part of it. My Body Building Career While attending college at the State University of New York College...

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  • NT Sciences™- Neuromuscular Modulation - Without it nothing matters!

    by Brian Rubach
    on January 06, 2014
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    Without the nervous system nothing else happens.. no growth.. no Nitric oxide..  no increase in hormones..  no pump.. no workout.. no movement.  Everything else is secondary to the firing of the nervous system.  Without it you simply don’t grow, because you don’t move.  NT Sciences™ is Pharmagenx’s feverish pursuit of developing supplements that can facilitate neuromuscular activity during exercise, and support nervous system health and recovery. My Pain Your Gain! My brain was awakened to the utmost importance of the nervous system in August 2012.  You see, I just completed and won the Light Heavy Class at the 2012 N.P.C...

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  • Now there's proof: training for fat spot reduction doesn't work

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Even if you do a couple of hundred reps for each set of your triceps extensions, it won't help the fat on your upper arms to disappear. And you won't get rid of the fat on your hips by doing sets of hundreds of reps on the leg press either. Spot reducing fat through training is impossible, as any good trainer will tell you. But until recently there was no scientific proof for what most people knew from experience. Now Chilean scientists have published the results of a small but convincing study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research....

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  • How jump squats can help your legs grow faster

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Three sets of jump squats is an excellent way to round off your leg-muscle training. According to sports scientists at AUT University in New Zealand, doing jump squats at the end of a leg-training session raises testosterone synthesis, which speeds up your muscle mass and strength building. There’s a small stack of studies which suggest that adding plyometrics to your strength training helps increase your strength and above all your power. It seems that exercises like jump squats stimulate your leg muscles in a different way than regular strength training exercises. The researchers thought that the effect of plyometric training...

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  • Proof: plank is better for your core than crunches

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    If you want to build up a good mid section, with strong lower back muscles and abdominals that can take a punch or two, you're better off doing an exercise like the plank rather than crunches. Better trainers have been saying this for a few years already, and a study from Pennsylvania State University, which will soon be published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, now proves them right. There are two disadvantages to old-fashioned sit-ups and crunches. In the long term they are likely to lead to back problems because of the pressure they create on the...

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  • Paleo diet: eat as much as you want, and 1399 kcal/day will fill you

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Losing weight is easier on the paleo diet than the widely praised Mediterranean diet. Swedish researchers at the University of Lund discovered that men who were allowed to eat as much as they wanted consumed 1823 kcal per day on a Mediterranean diet – but on the paleo diet they could only manage 1388 kcal. Paleo diet advocates reason that our genetic makeup has probably not changed much since the Stone Age, and that our body therefore is likely to react optimally to a diet that would have been normal at that time. So that means: large quantities of lean...

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  • Food that contains water keeps you slim

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    The more water in the food you eat, for example in yoghurt, fruit, meat or fish, the thinner you are likely to be. And the other way round, a diet consisting largely of foods that contain little water leads to obesity. Japanese epidemiologists have published an article on the subject in Nutrition. Drinking water during a meal does not help to reduce caloric intake, but if you prepare rice dishes using more water, then the caloric intake does decrease, studies have shown. The Japanese examined the relationship between bodyweight and the amount of water you consume daily through drinks and...

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  • Your body burns more calories after a meal with fish oil

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Fish oil supplementation boosts energy expenditure after a meal, so it makes weight loss or maintenance of a healthy weight a tiny bit easier. Canadian nutritionists at the University of Guelph discovered this from an experiment they did on six men whose glucose and insulin balance was out of whack. The polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids in fish improve body composition. Studies show that they increase muscle mass and also help muscle mass to react better to strength training. They also induce the body to burn more energy. Studies also show that people who consume large amounts of fish fatty acids...

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  • Fish oil with high EPA stimulates muscle building

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Athletes who want to build muscle mass can use not only proteins, creatine and amino acids, but also fish oils to achieve this. The anabolic effect of omega-3 fatty acids has been confirmed, so now molecular scientists at the University of Aberdeen have gone a step further. They are about to publish the results of a study in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications from which you can deduce which fish oil supplements have the strongest anabolic effect: those containing lots of EPA.  Taking fish oil supplements or eating a diet that is rich in fish fatty acids have a body...

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  • Men more likely to dehydrate than women during endurance exercise

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    When covering long distances men dehydrate faster than women. Dutch physiologists at the Radboud University Nijmegen discovered that men drink less and probably lose more fluids through transpiration than women. Men are four times as likely to suffer from dehydration than women. The physiologists studied a total of 99 male and female participants aged between 21 and 82. They all took part in the annual International Four Days Marches, the largest multi-day walking event in the world. Three-quarters of the subjects exercised every day. The participants walked 30, 40 or 50 km. As the first figure below on the left...

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  • Caffeine raises fat burning after strength training

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    After an intensive workout the body expends extra energy. Researchers suspect that because of this, strength training can help in maintaining a healthy weight, and they are studying ways of increasing the 'after burn'. One such method is to consume caffeine before pumping iron, as sports scientists at California State University discovered. After a demanding workout muscle cells need to recover. They need to replenish their creatine phosphate and glycogen reserves and restore their buffers. We're not even talking about the recovery of damaged muscle proteins, but this process costs energy too. Researchers measure this increased energy expenditure by measuring...

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  • Almonds contain fewer calories than you think

    by Staff .
    on January 02, 2014
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    Nutritionists have encountered a few times what we call the 'almond mystery': people who start to eat more almonds don't get fatter. [Br J Nutr. 2007 Sep;98(3):651-6.] Sounds strange, doesn't it? Especially if you consider that a handful of almonds is worth at least 150 kilocalories. Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture have solved the puzzle. Nutritionists have encountered a few times what we call the 'almond mystery': people who start to eat more almonds don't get fatter. [Br J Nutr. 2007 Sep;98(3):651-6.] Sounds strange, doesn't it? Especially if you consider that a handful of almonds is worth at...

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  • Lipothermic® Effect - Burn Fat Not Muscle.

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Lipothermic is a registered trade mark of Pharmagenx, so you won’t see this definition anywhere else. We came up with it to describe a unique effect that we believe is the cornerstone to fat loss supplements. We describe Lipothermics as a property of a substance to repartition the energy usage during activity, resulting in a larger percentage of the total calories burnt during exercise from fat. They also have a prolonged effect after exercise; in which they increase E.P.O.C. (excess post exercise oxygen consumption.). Lipothermics are especially good during HIIT and HIRT type training, increasing the energy from fat, while...

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  • Thermogenics vs. Lipothermics. Which One Will Help the Body Burn More Fat?

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Burning Fat: Why Dieting and Working Out May Not Be Enough Regular exercise and a healthy diet have long been the doctor's orders when trying to achieve a fit body. It sounds simple enough, but there are other factors at play that make fat loss a challenging and complicated goal. For instance, there is the dreaded "weight loss plateau." As explained by Dulloo (1993) in his paper on obesity management, your body reacts to reduced food intake and weight loss by slowing down its metabolism. This energy- sparing mechanism (adaptive thermogenesis) explains why you suddenly stop losing weight after a...

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  • The Science Behind Pharmagenx SEO™ Natural Oils

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Pharmagenx has created a new class of dietary supplements with formulas and delivery systems that are scientifically developed to give you the lasting results you demand. Whether you take supplements to build lean muscle mass, recover quickly, or increase your overall level of fitness, you deserve supplements that optimize your workout or fitness routine. If you notice that you aren’t getting the results you expect, it’s not your fault. Blame your old supplements. The problem with most dietary supplements on the market is that your body can’t easily absorb their formulas. When you take them, even though you’re following the...

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  • Brian Rubach - My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation.

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about my goal of creating the highest quality and most effective supplements on the market. My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I accomplished my goal by learning everything I could about how the body performs and how supplements can enhance that performance. I’ve realized my dream. I love what I’ve built and I want you to be a part of it. My Body Building Career While attending college at the State University of New York College at Brockport I joined the swimming team. I was a skinny 140...

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Recent articles

Brian Rubach - Master Chemi...

January 10, 2014

 My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about...

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NT Sciences™- Neuromuscular...

January 06, 2014

Without the nervous system nothing else happens.. no growth.. no Nitric oxide..  no increase in hormones..  no pump.. no workout.....

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Now there's proof: training...

January 02, 2014

Even if you do a couple of hundred reps for each set of your triceps extensions, it won't help the...

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How jump squats can help yo...

January 02, 2014

Three sets of jump squats is an excellent way to round off your leg-muscle training. According to sports scientists at...

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